- de Wilde, P., 2018. Building Performance Analysis. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 9781119341925
- de Wilde, P., 2022. Building Performance Basics: an introduction to delivering buildings that work. Kindle Direct Publishing. ISBN: 9798442720129
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performativity in design and architecture. New York: Routledge, 403-415. ISBN: 978-0-367-07619-1
- de Wilde, P. and G. Augenbroe, 2019. Energy modelling. In: D. Mumovic and M. Santamouris (eds), A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering,
2nd ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 95-108. ISBN: 978-1-138-21547-4
- Heffernan, E. and de Wilde, P., 2017. Something wonderful in my back yard: the social impetus for group self-building. In: M. Benson and I. Hamiduddin (eds),
Self-build homes: Social Discourse, Experiences and Directions. London: UCL Press, 174-191. ISBN-978-1-911576-89-1
- de Wilde, P., 2004. Computational Support for the Selection of Energy Saving Building Components. PhD-thesis. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture,
Building Physics Group, Delft, the Netherlands. Delft: Delft University Press. ISBN 90-407-2476-8
- de Wilde, P. and G. Augenbroe, 2009. Energy modelling. In: D. Mumovic and M. Santamouris (eds), A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering.
London: Earthscan (James & James Publishers), 51-61. ISBN 978-1-84407-596-6
- Ungureanu, L. and P. de Wilde (guest eds), 2022. Special Issue Section of Advanced Engineering Informatics based on EG-ICE2020. Intelligent computing: Digitization and
digitalization to support waste reduction and prevention. Special Issue Section of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52.
- Suter, G., P. de Wilde and Y. Rafiq (guest eds), 2014. Advanced computational assistance for planning, designing, constructing, and managing the built environment. Special Issue
Section of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 28.
- de Wilde, P. and D. Coley (guest eds), 2012. The Implications of a Changing Climate for Buildings. Special Issue of Building and Environment, 55.
- Ślusarczyk,G., B. Strug and Wilde (eds), 2016. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2016 Conference, Kraków, Poland, June 28 - July 1 2014. Kraków:
Jagiellonian University (USB)
- Li, H., Y. Rafiq and Wilde (eds), 2014. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2014 Conference, Cardiff, UK, July 16-18 2014 Cardiff: Cardiff
University (USB)
- McCullen, N., S. Natarajan, D. Coley and P. de Wilde (eds), 2013. Proceedings of FutureBuild 2013, Bath, United Kingdom, September 4-6 2013 (USB)
- Suter, G., Wilde and Y. Rafiq (eds), 2013. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2013 Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 1-3 2013 (USB)
- Borrmann, A., P. Geyer, Wilde and Y. Rafiq (eds), 2012. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2012 Conference, Herrsching, Germany, July 4-6 2012.
Munich: Technische Universität München (USB) ISBN 978-3-00-038455-4
- Hartmann, T., Wilde and Y. Rafiq (eds), 2011. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2011 Conference, Enschede, the Netherlands, July 6-8 2011.
Enschede: University of Twente (USB) ISBN 978-90-365-3216-7
- Rafiq, Y., P. de Wilde and M. Borthwick (eds), 2008. Proceedings of Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2008 Conference, Plymouth, UK, July 2-4 2008. Plymouth:
University of Plymouth (CD-ROM) ISBN 978-1-84102-191-1
- de Wilde, P. (ed), 2007. Proceedings of Building Simulation in the SouthWest, IBPSA-England Symposium, Plymouth, United Kingdom, November 16 2007. Plymouth: University
of Plymouth (CD-ROM)
- van der Voorden, M., L. Itard and P. de Wilde (eds), 2005. Proceedings of the IBPSA-NVL Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, October 20 2005. Delft: TU Delft
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- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy and P. de Wilde, 2022. Assessing Annual Thermal Comfort Extent in Courtyards : Baghdad as a Case Study.
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. (pre-print)
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Issue Section of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52, 101576
- Salata, F., S. Falasca, V. Ciancio, G. Curci, S. Grignaffini and P. de Wilde, 2022. Estimating building cooling energy demand through cooling
degree hours in a changing climate: a modeling study. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76, 103518
- Rakha, T., Y. El Masri, K. Chen, E. Panagoulia and P. de Wilde, 2021. Building envelope anomaly characterization and simulation using drone time-lapse thermography. Energy
and Buildings
- de Wilde, P., 2021. Building Performance Gaps: a Commentary. Academia Letters, 815
- Tian, W., C. Zhu, P. de Wilde, J.Shi and B. Yin, 2020. Sensitivity analysis of building energy performance based on polynomial chaos
expansion. Journal of Green Building, APSEC special issue, 15 (4), 173-183
- Harputlugil, T, G. Ulukavak-Harputlugil and P. de Wilde, 2020. An approach for simulation in support of the design of Net-Zero Water Buildings
(NZWB). REHVA Journal, 6, 46-53
- Harputlugil, T. and P. de Wilde, 2020: The interacion between humans and buildings for energy efficiency: a critical review. Energy Research & Social
Science, 71, 101828
- Salata, F., V. Ciancio, S. Falasca, G. Curci, I. Golasi and P. de Wilde, 2020. Energy demands of buildings in the framework of climate change: an investigation across
Europe. Sustainable Cities and Society, 60, 102213
- Heffernan, E. and Wilde, 2020. Group self-build housing: A bottom-up approach to environmentally and socially sustainable housing. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 243, 118657
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cities. Energies, 12, 4506
- de Wilde, P., 2019. Ten questions concerning building performance analysis. Building and Environment, 153, 110-117
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International, 89, 102001
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Energy Conversion and Management, 174m 705-718
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2018. A systematic assessment of architectural approaches for solving the housing problem in
Iraq. Frontiers of Architectural Research,
- Alves, T., L. Machado, R. Gonçalves de Souza and P. de Wilde, 2018. Assessing the energy saving potential of an existing high-rise office building stock. Energy and
Buildings, 173, 547-561
- de Wilde, P., 2018. Intelligent computing for building performance analysis. In: I. Smith and B. Domer (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Advanced
Computing Strategies for Engineering. Cham: Springer, 457- 471. ISBN 978-3-319-91634-7
- Boonstra, S., K. Van der Blom, H. Hofmeyer, T. Emmerich, J. van Schijndel and P. de Wilde, 2018. A multi-disciplinary toolbox for building spatial design optimisation
in the development of super structured and super structure free optimisation methods. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 36, 86-100
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Energy Procedia Engineering, 142, 1997-2002
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experimental study in Baghdad, Iraq. Procedia Engineering, 134, 99-109
- Alencastro, J., A. Fuertes and P. de Wilde, 2017. The relationship between quality defects and the energy performance of buildings. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 81 (1), 883-894
- Alves, T., L. Machado, R. Gonçalves de Souza and P. de Wilde, 2017. A methodology for estimating office building energy use baselines by means of land use legislation
and reference buildings. Energy and Buildings, 143, 100-113
- Pan, S., X. Wang, S. Wei, C. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Xie, J. Tindall and P. de Wilde, 2017. Energy waste in buildings due to occupant behaviour. Energy Procedia,
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- Jones, R., A. Fuertes, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2017. The actual performance of aspiring low energy social houses in the United Kingdom. Energy Procedia,
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- Tian, W. and Wilde, 2016. Impact of Global Warming on Thermal Performance of Domestic Buildings using Probabilistic Climate Data. International Journal of
Global Warming, 10 (4), 514-535
- Fox, M., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2016. Building defect detection: external versus internal thermography. Building and Environment, 105, 317-331
- Jones, R., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2016. Measured indoor temperatures, thermal comfort and overheating risk: post-occupancy evaluation of low energy houses in the
UK. Energy Procedia, 88, 714-720
- Pan, S., C. Xu, S. Wei, T. Hassan, L, Xie, Y. Xiong. S. Firth, D. Greenwood and P. de Wilde, 2015. Improper window use in office buildings: findings from a
longitudinal study in Beijing, China. Energy Procedia, 88, 761-767
- Pan, S., C. Xu, S. Wei, T. Hassan, L. Xie, Y. Xiong and P. de Wilde, 2015. Research on the occupant window opening behaviour in an office building in Beijing.
Building Science, 31 (10), 212-217
- Nik, V., S. Mundt-Petersen, A. Sasic Kalagasidis and P. de Wilde, 2015. Future moisture loads for building facades in Sweden: climate change and wind-driven rain.
Building and Environment, 93, 362-375.
- Fox, M., D. Coley, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2015. Time-lapse thermography for building defect detection. Energy and Buildings, 92, 95-106
- Heffernan, E., W. Pan, X. Liang and P. de Wilde, 2015. Zero carbon homes: perceptions from the UK construction industry. Energy Policy, 79, 23-36
- Suter, G., P. de Wilde, P. and Y. Rafiq, 2014, Advanced computational assistance for planning, designing, constructing, and managing the built environment (Editorial).
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 28, 259-260
- Tian, W., J.Song, Z. Li and P. de Wilde, 2014. Bootstrap techniques for sensitivity analysis and model selection in building thermal performance analysis. Applied
Energy, 135, 320-328
- Fox, M., D. Coley, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2014. Thermography methodologies for detecting energy related building defects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
40, 296–310
- de Wilde, P., 2014. The gap between predicted and measured energy performance of buildings: a framework for investigation. Automation in Construction, 41, 40-49
- Wei, S., R. Jones and P. de Wilde, 2014. Driving factors for occupant-controlled space heating in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 70, 36-44.
- Hamza, N. and P. de Wilde, 2014. Building simulation visualisation for the boardroom: an exploratory study. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 7(1),
- de Wilde, P., C. Martinez-Ortiz, D. Pearson, I. Beynon, M. Beck and N. Barlow, 2013. Building simulation approaches for the training of automated data analysis tools in building
energy management. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 27, 457-465.
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Materials, 166 (4), 257-263
- de Wilde, P. and D. Coley, 2012. The Implications of a Changing Climate for Buildings (Editorial article). Building and Environment, 55, 1-7.
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- Tian, W. and P. de Wilde, 2011. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the performance of an air-conditioned campus building in the UK under probabilistic climate
projections. Automation in Construction, 20, 1096-1109
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2011. Towards probabilistic performance metrics for climate change impact studies. Energy and Buildings, 43 (11), 3013-3018
- de Wilde, P., W. Tian and G. Augenbroe, 2011. Longitudinal prediction of the operational energy use of buildings. Building and Environment, 46 (8),
- Tian, W. and P. de Wilde, 2011. Thermal building simulation using the UKCP09 probabilistic climate projections. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 4
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- Goodhew, S., J. Carfrae, and P. de Wilde, 2010. Briefing: Challenges related to straw bale construction. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability,
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- Carfrae, J., Wilde, S. Goodhew, P. Walker and J. Littlewood, 2010. A cost effective probe for the long term monitoring of straw bale buildings. Building and
Environment, 46 (01), 156-164
- de Wilde, P.Predicting the performance of an office under climate change: a study of metrics, sensitivity and zonal resolution. Energy and Buildings, 42 (10),
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2010. The role of adaptive thermal comfort in the prediction of the thermal performance of a modern mixed-mode office building in the UK
under climate change. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 3 (2), 87-101
- Pilkington, B., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2010. In situ thermal conductivity measurement of building materials with a thermal probe. Journal of Testing and
Evaluation, 38 (3); published online, DOI: 10.1520/JTE102636
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2009. Identification of key factors for uncertainty in the prediction of the thermal performance of an office building under climate change.
Building Simulation: an International Journal, 2 (3), 157-174
- Struck, C., P. de Wilde, C. Hopfe, J. Hensen, 2009. An exploration of the option space in conceptual building design for advanced building simulation. Advanced
Engineering Informatics, 23 (4), 386-395
- Deverell, R., S. Goodhew, R. Griffiths, P. de Wilde, 2009. The noise insulation properties of non-food-crop walling for schools and colleges: a case study. Journal
of Building Appraisal, 5 (1), 29-40
- Ulukavak Harputlugil, G., T. Harputlugil, P. de Wilde, 2009. Thermal design of Turkish schools: prospects for an improved pre-design process. International Journal
of Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 5 (3), 153-164
- de Wilde, P. and P. Murray, 2009. The use of an intranet system to enhance student learning in an Eco-House design project. CEBE Transactions, 6 (1),
- de Wilde, P., R. Griffiths and S. Goodhew, 2009. Evolution and validation of a thermal probe model. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2 (2),
- Pilkington, B., R. Griffiths, S. Goodhew, P. de Wilde, 2008. Thermal probe technology for buildings: the transition from laboratory to
field measurements. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 14 (4), 111-118
- McGilligan, C., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2008. An assessment of the potential returns of energy certificates for the UK household sector. Journal of Financial
Management of Property and Construction, 13 (3), 187-199
- Sawyer, L., P. de Wilde and S. Turpin-Brooks, 2008. Energy performance and occupancy satisfaction: a comparison of two closely related buildings. Facilities,
26 (13/14), 542-551
- de Wilde, P., R. Griffiths and S. Goodhew, 2008. Validation of data analysis routines for a thermal probe apparatus using numerical data sets. Building Simulation: an
International Journal, 1 (1), 36-45
- de Wilde, P., Y. Rafiq, M. Beck, 2008. Uncertainties in predicting the impact of climate change on thermal performance of domestic buildings in the UK. Building
Services Engineering Research & Technology, 29 (1), 7-26
- Augenbroe, G., A, Malkawi, P. de Wilde, 2004. A Workbench for Structured Design Analysis Dialogues. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 21 (4),
- Augenbroe, G., P. de Wilde, H. J. Moon, A. Malkawi, 2004. An interoperability workbench for design analysis integration. Energy
and Buildings, 36 (8), 737-748
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden, 2004. Providing computational support for the selection of energy saving building components. Energy and Buildings, 36 (8),
- de Wilde, P., G. Augenbroe, M. van der Voorden, 2002. Managing the selection of energy saving features in building design. Engineering,
Construction and Architectural Management, 9 (3), 249-258
- de Wilde, P., G. Augenbroe, M. van der Voorden, 2002. Design Analysis Integration: supporting the selection of energy saving building
components. Building and Environment, 37 (8/9), 807-817
- Chen, L., W. Tian, P. de Wilde and H. Zhang, 2022. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of building integrated photovoltaics. In: Teizer, J.
ed. EG-ICE 2022, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Aarhus, Denmark, 6-8 July7 2022
- Harputlugil, T. and P. de Wilde, 2022. Beyond current limits: building occupants and climate change. In: Gabardella, ed. Beyond All
Limits 2022: International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning and Design, Naples, Italy, Turkey, May 11-13 2022
- Ulukavak-Harputlugil, G. and P. de Wilde, 2022. The role of simulation in design of high performance buildings in Turkey. In: Hensen
Centnerová and Itard, eds. CLIMA 2022, the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, May 22-25 2022
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy and P. de Wilde, 2021. The Thermal Performance Prospects of Courtyards in Cold Conditions. In:
Hasson, ed. International Conference on Architecture and Interior Design, Erbil, Iraq, November 9-10 2021
- Shi, J., W. Tian, H. Zhang, M. Jin, G. Li and P. de Wilde, 2021. Development of an Uncertainty Database of Buildings (UQDB) for building performance analysis. In: Park, J. ed.
ISHVAC, the International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Seoul, Korea, November 24-26 2021, 898-903
- Rakha, T., Y. El Masri, K, Chen and P. de Wilde, 2021. Drone-based time-lapse thermography: 3D building envelope vulnerability characterization and
performance modeling. In: Laverge and Saelens, eds. Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3 2021
- Morewood, J. and P. de Wilde, 2021. Simulation of historical buildings: Bedford Cottages, Devon, UK. In: Laverge and Saelens, eds.
Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3 2021
- Tian, W., M. Jin, P. de Wilde, X. Fu, and J. Shi, 2021.Uncertainty analysis of building energy analysis based on replicated Latin Hypercube sampling.
In: Laverge and Saelens, eds. Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3 2021
- Morewood, J., M. Bacon and P. de Wilde, 2021. Data quality in building productivity assessment – the case of acute care environments.
In: Abualdenien and Borrmann, eds. EG-ICE 2021, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 30 June- -2 July 2021
- Alencastro, J., A. Fuertes and P. de Wilde, 2020. Quality management in UK social housing projects: addressing thermal performance. In: Scott and Neilson, eds.
36th Annual ARCOM Conference, Glasgow, UK, September 7-9 2020, 156-165
- Odeh, K. and P. de Wilde, 2020. BIM to BEM: an investigation of practical interoperability challenges when working with Revit and DesignBuilder.
In: Ungureanu and Hartmann, eds. EG-ICE 2020, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 1-3 July 2020
- Harputlugil, T, G. Ulukavak-Harputlugil and P. de Wilde, 2020. An approach for simulation in support of the design of Net-Zero Water Buildings (NZWB). 14th
International HVAC&R Technology Symposium of TTMD, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-4 2020
- Ciancio, V., F. Salata, I. Golasi, S. Falasca and P. de Wilde, 2019. European building resilience to the climate change. In: de Lieto Vollaro and Vallati, eds. XII
International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 2019
- Bleil de Souza, C. and P. de Wilde, 2019. Cockroaches 0.0 Beta: Exploring the novel building performance simulation domain of pest modelling through a literature
review. In: Mazzarella, ed. Building Simulation 2019, Rome, Italy, September 2-4 2019
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy and P. de Wilde, 2019. The impact of courtyard geometry of its mean radiant temperature. CISBAT 2019 Conference, Climate
Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September, 2019. Proceedings published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1343,
- Zu, C., W. Tian, B. Yin and P. de Wilde, 2019. Application of approximate Bayesian computation in parameter estimation of building energy models. In: Wang and Liu, eds.
ISHVAC, the International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Harbin, China, July 12-15 2019
- Tian, W., J. Shi, Y. Sun, C. Zhu, B. Yin and P. de Wilde, 2019. Sensitivity analysis of building energy assessment based on machine learning models. In: Wang and Liu,
eds. ISHVAC, the International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Harbin, China, July 12-15 2019
- Ciancio, C., F. Salata, I. Golasi, G. Curci, S. Falasca and P. de Wilde, 2019. Resilience of European buildings towards climate change: a
scoping study. In: Geyer, Allacker, Schevenels, de Troyer and Pauwels, eds. EG-ICE 2019, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, June 30 - July
3 2019
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy and P. de Wilde, 2019. An adaptive thermal comfort model for residential buildings in Iraq. In:
Nicol, Roaf and Topriska, eds. CATE 2019 – Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 10-11 2019
- de Wilde, P., 2018. Beyond the limits of Building Performance Analysis. Beyond All Limits: International Congress on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning and
Design, Ankara, Turkey, October 17-19 2018, 306-309
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy and P. de Wilde, 2018. Courtyards thermal efficiency during hot regions’ typical winter. Beyond All Limits: International
Congress on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning and Design, Ankara, Turkey, October 17-19 2018, 50-54
- Bruce-Konuah, A., R. Jones, A. Fuertes and Wilde, 2018. Occupant heating practices in dwellings: a methodology for identifying scheduled heating periods and
manual override events. In: Heo, Wright and Choudhary, eds. Building Simulation and Optimisation 2018, Cambridge, UK, September 11-12 2018
- Bruce-Konuah, A., R. Jones, A Fuertes and Wilde, 2018. Central heating settings in low energy social housing in the United Kingdom. In: Yang and Yan, eds.
10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), Hong Kong, China, August 22-25 2018
- Bruce-Konuah, A., R. Jones, A Fuertes and Wilde, 2018. Central heating settings and heating energy demaind in low energy social housing in the United Kingdom. In:
Yang and Yan, eds. 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), Hong Kong, China, August 22-25 2018
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2018. The courtyard pattern’s thermal efficiency: limits and significance of impact. Paper
accepted for 10th NCEUB Windsor Conference, Windsor, UK, April 12-15 2018
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2017. The Impact of Courtyard Pattern Compactness on Its Thermal Performance: Case Study of
Mosul City, Iraq. In: Scartezzini, ed. CISBAT 2017 Conference, Future Buildings & Districts, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 2017
- Alencastro, J., A. Fuertes, A. Fox and P. de Wilde, 2017. The impact of defects on energy performance of buildings: quality management in social housing developments.
In: Yan, Chou and Desideri, eds. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), Cardiff, United Kingdom, August 21-24 2017
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2017. Simulation of courtyard spaces in a desert climate. In: Yan, Chou and Desideri, eds.
9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), Cardiff, United Kingdom, August 21-24 2017
- de Wilde, P., 2017. The concept of building performance in building performance simulation – a critical review. In: Barnaby and Wetter, eds. Building
Simulation '17, 15th International IBPSA Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9 2017
- Bres, A., F,. Judex, G. Suter and P. de Wilde, 2017. A Method for Automated Generation of HVAC Distribution Subsystems for Building Energy Performance Simulation.
In: Barnaby and Wetter, eds. Building Simulation '17, 15th International IBPSA Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9 2017
- Bres, A., G. Suter and P. de Wilde, 2017. Impact of zoning strategies for building performance simulation. In: Koch, ed. EG-ICE 2017, Conference
on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Nottingham, UK, July 10-12 2017
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2017. The impact of court parameters on its shading level : an
experimental study in Baghdad, Iraq. In: Howlett and Littlewood, eds. International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: SEB-17, Chania, Crete, Creece, July 5-7,
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2017. Determining the courtyard thermal efficiency and its impact on urban fabric: a contextual
study of Baghdad, Iraq. PLEA2017, 30th International Conference Edinburgh, UK, July 3-5, 2017
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2017. Thermally comfortable housing in Iraq: prospects of the courtyard pattern in achieving
energy efficiency. 3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 15-17, 2017
- P. de Wilde, 2017. Designing energy-efficient buildings. In: Harputlugil, ed. International Symposium on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Ankara,
Turkey, February 13-14 2017
- Jones, R., A. Fuertes, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2016. The actual performance of aspiring low energy social houses in the United Kingdom. In: Sun and Yan,
eds. 8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2016), Beijing, China, October 8-11 2016
- Alencastro, J., A. Fuertes and P. de Wilde, 2016. Improving the quality assurance procedures for energy-efficient social housing developments. In: Chan and Neilson, eds.
32st Annual ARCOM Conference, Manchester, UK, September 5-7 2016
- Al-Hafith, O., S. Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. Bradbury and P. de Wilde, 2016. A review of Europe’s housing policies. In: Gray, ed. ENHR 2016, European
Network for Housing Research, Belfast, UK, June 28 – July 1 2016.
- Rafiq, Y., J. Tilbury, S. Wei, J. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2016. An informative tool for home users for saving household energy consumption. In: Yabuki and Makanae, eds.
ICCCBE2016, the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 6-8 July, 2016
- Amore, M., M. Rossoni, M. Marengo and P. de Wilde, 2016. Impact of occupancy on energy consumption by an educational facility. In: EG-ICE 2016, Conference
on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Krakow, Poland, June 29 – July 1 2016
- Alves, T., L. Machado, R. Gonçalves de Souza and P. de Wilde, 2016. Stock modeling and building morphology: a case study of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In: Attar, Chronis,
Hanna and Turrin, eds. SimAUD 2016, the7th annual symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, London, UK, 16-18 May 2016, 27-34
- Wei, S. S. Pan, L. Xie, S. Wei, C. Xu, Y. Xiong, D. Greenwood, T. Hassan and P. de Wilde, 2016. A field study on occupants’ ventilation behavious through balcony doors in in university students’
appartments during transitional seasons in Beijing. In: Nicol, Roaf, Brotas and Humphreys, eds. NCEUB Windsor Conference, Windsor Great Park, UK, April 7-10 2016
- Basavapatna Kumaraswamy, S. and P. de Wilde, 2015. Simulation in education: application in Architectural Technology design projects projects. In: Mathur, ed.
Building Simulation '15, 14th International IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9 2015
- Jones, R., A. Fuertes and P. de Wilde, 2015. The gap between simulated and measured energy performance: a case study across six identical new-build flats in the UK.
In: Mathur, ed. Building Simulation '15, 14th International IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9 2015
- Kim, D., K. Ahn, K. Kim, Wilde and C. Park, 2015. Predictability of occupancy patterns in real-life cases. In: Mathur, ed. Building Simulation '15,
14th International IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9 2015
- Wei, S., C. Xu, S. Pan, J. Su, Y. Wang, X. Luo, T. Hassan, S. Firth, R. Jones and P. de Wilde, 2015. Analysis of factors influencing occupant window opening behaviour
in an office building in Beijing, China. In: Mathur, ed. Building Simulation '15, 14th International IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9 2015
- Tian, W., L. Wei, S. Yang and P. de Wilde, 2015. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Building Energy in Urban Environments. In: Mathur, ed. Building
Simulation '15, 14th International IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 7-9 2015
- Jones, R., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2015. Measured indoor temperatures, thermal comfort and overheating risk: post-occupancy evaluation of low energy houses in the
UK. In: Yan and Chou, eds. CUE2015 - Applied Energy Symposium and Summit 2015: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, Fuzhou, China, November 15-17 2015
- Pan, S., S. Wei, T. Hassan, L. Xie, Y. Xiong, S. Firth and P. de Wilde, 2015. Improper window use in office buildings: findings from a longitudinal study in Beijing,
China. In: Yan and Chou, eds. CUE2015 - Applied Energy Symposium and Summit 2015: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, Fuzhou, China, November 15-17 2015
- Beltrami, A., R. Jones, P. de Wilde, M. Picco and M. Marengo, 2015. Towards an integrated decision tool for evaluation of energy performances during building and plant
design. In: Beetz, van Berlo and Hartmann, eds. EG-ICE 2015, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 13-15 2015
- Wei, S., J. Goodhew, Y. Rafiq, S. Pahl and P. de Wilde, 2015. Energy efficiency educator - early stages of an interactive tool to help reduce heating energy demand in residential
buildings. In: eceee (European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy) Summer Study
- Kim, D.W, K.C. Kim, Y.J. Kim, C.S. Park, P. de Wilde and K.H. Lee, 2014. Random Walk pattern of occupant presence. In: Asawa, ed. ASim 2014,
2nd Asia Conference of IBPSA, Nagoya, Japan, 28-29 November 2014, 602-609
- Heffernan, E., W. Pan, X. Liang and P. de Wilde, 2014. Group self-build housing: the potential to deliver zero carbon homes. In: Jankovic, ed. 1st International
Conference on Zero Carbon Buildings, Birmingham, UK, 11-12 September 2014, 181-188
- Rafiq, M., S. Wei, R. Guest, R. Stone and P. de Wilde, 2014. Applying Artificial Neural Networks to promote behaviour change for saving residential energy. In: Madani,
ed. ANNIIP - International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, Vienna, Austria, September 2 2014, 1-10
- Wei, S., Y. Rafiq and Wilde, 2014. Using artificial neural networks to assess reduction in residential energy demand by changing occupant behaviour. In:
Li, Rafiq and de Wilde, eds. EG-ICE 2014, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, July 16-18 2014 (USB)
- Wei, S., R. Jones and P. de Wilde, 2014. Extending the UK's Green Deal with the consideration of occupant behaviour. In: Malki-Epsthein, Spataru, Marjanovic-Halburd and
Mumovic, eds. Building Simulation and Optimisation 2014, London, UK, June 23-24 2014 (USB)
- Tian, W. and P. de Wilde, 2014. The impact of probabilistic climate change on thermal performance in UK houses. Global Conference on Global Warming 2014, Beijing, China,
May 25-29 2014 (USB)
- Wei, S., R. Jones and Wilde, 2014. Using building performance simulation to quantify the impact of energy saving behaviour change for a UK house. In: Nicol, Road,
Brotas and Humhreys, eds. NCEUB Windsor Conference, Windsor Great Park, UK April 13 2014 (USB)
- de Wilde, P. and R. Jones, 2014. The energy performance gap: up close and personal. CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, April 3-4 2014 (USB)
- Garmston, H., M. Fox, W. Pan and P. de Wilde, 2013. Multi-storey building retrofit with a focus on the facade selection process: a UK commercial office case study. In:
Smith and Ahiaga-Dagbui, eds. 29th Annual ARCOM Conference, Reading, UK, 2-4 September 2013, 81-90
- Hamza, N.and P. de Wilde, 2013. Building performance simulation visualization as investment decision making enabler for sustainable buildings. CISBAT 2013 Conference,
CleanTech for Smart Cities and Buildings, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-6 2013, 1133-1138
- de Wilde, P., S. Pahl, N. Hamza, S. Wei, R. Jones and I. AboHela, 2013. Using building simulation to drive changes in occupant behaviour: a pilot study. In:
Wurtz, Roux and Woloszyn, eds. Building Simulation '13, 13th International IBPSA Conference, Chambéry, France, August 25-30 2013 (USB)
- Wei, S., R. Jones, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2013. Occupant space heating behaviour in a simulation-intervention loop: a theoretical framework. In: Wurtz,
Roux and Woloszyn, eds. Building Simulation '13, 13th International IBPSA Conference, Chambéry, France, August 25-30 2013 (USB)
- Nik, V., A. Sasic Kalagasidis and P. de Wilde, 2013. Climate Uncertainties in Wind-Driven Rain Calculations. In: McCullen, Natarajan, Coley and de Wilde, eds.
FutureBuild 2013, Bath, United Kingdom, September 4-6 2013 (USB)
- de Wilde, P., Y. Sun and G. Augenbroe, 2013. Quantifying the performance gap – a probabilistic attempt. In: Suter, de Wilde and Rafiq, eds. EG-ICE 2013,
Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Vienna, Austria, July 1-3 2013 (USB)
- Pahl, S., P. de Wilde, J. Goodhew, C. Boonstra, R. Jones and S. Goodhew, 2013. eViz - Energy Visualisation for Carbon Reduction. In: Lindström, ed. eceee
(European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy) Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France, June 3–8 2013 (USB)
- Heffernan, E., W Pan, X. Liang and P de Wilde, 2013. Redefining zero? A critical review of definitions of zero energy buildings and zero carbon homes. CIBSE
Technical Symposium, Liverpool, April 11-12 2013 (USB)
- Fox, M, D. Coley, S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, 2012. Comparing transient simulation with thermography time series. In: Cook, Wright and Mourshed, eds. Building
Simulation and Optimisation 2012, Loughborough, UK, September 10-11 2012, 356-363
- Garmston, H., W. Pan and P. de Wilde, 2012. Decision-making in façade selection for multi-storey buildings. In: Smith. ed. ARCOM Conference 2012, Edinburgh,United
Kingdom, September 3-5 2012, 357-367
- Martinez Ortiz, C., D. Pearson, I. Beynon, M. Beck, N. Barlow and P. de Wilde, 2012. Intelligent analysis of monitored utility data. In: Borrmann, Geyer, de Wilde and
Rafiq, eds. EG-ICE 2012, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Herrsching, Germany, July 4-6 2012 (USB)
- Frempong-Mensah, B., Y. Rafiq and P. de Wilde, 2012. The practical implementation of structural BIM. In: Borrmann, Geyer, de Wilde and Rafiq, eds. EG-ICE 2012,
Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Herrsching, Germany, July 4-6 2012 (USB)
- Martinez Ortiz, C., D. Pearson, M. Beck, N. Barlow and Wilde, 2012. Developing automated energy management tools. CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium - Buildings Systems
and Services for the 21st Century, London, UK, April 18-19 2012 (USB)
- Martinez Ortiz, C., N. Barlow, M. Beck and Wilde, 2011. EWMA based approaches for automated building energy analysis. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing
and Information Technology, Bilbao, Spain, December 14-17 2011 (USB)
- de Wilde, P.Building performance simulation for the management of thermal performance risks in buildings subject to climate change. In: Soebarto, Bennetts, Bannister,
Thomas and Leach, eds. Building Simulation '11, 12th International IBPSA Conference, Sydney, Australia, November 14-16 2011, 254-261
- Simm, S., D. Coley and P. de Wilde, 2011. Comparing the robustness of buildings designed to regulatory and low energy standards. In: Soebarto, Bennetts, Bannister,
Thomas and Leach, eds. Building Simulation '11, 12th International IBPSA Conference, Sydney, Australia, November 14-16 2011, 1041-1048
- Jones, L. and P. de Wilde, 2011. A case study into the relation between temperature and work productivity in offices in the UK. In: Bodart and Evrard, eds.
PLEA2011, 27th International Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 13-15 2011, Vol. 1, 529-534
- de Wilde, P., Y. Rafiq, W. Pan and W. Tian, 2011. Intelligent support for the optimal configuration of high performance homes. In: Bodart and Evrard, eds.
PLEA2011, 27th International Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 13-15 2011, Vol. 2, 139-144
- Carfrae, J. and Wilde, 2011. The Leechwell Garden House: a passive solar dwelling built from renewable materials. In: Bodart and Evrard, eds.
PLEA2011, 27th International Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 13-15 2011, Vol. 2, 255-259
- Tian, W. and P. de Wilde, 2011. Sampling-based sensitivity analysis of thermal performance in domestic buildings under climate change. In: Hartmann, de Wilde
and Rafiq, eds. EG-ICE 2011, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Enschede, the Netherlands, July 6-8 2011 (USB)
- Li, H., P. de Wilde and Y. Rafiq, 2011. A methodology for building performance simulation using high power computing. In: Hartmann, de Wilde and Rafiq, eds.
EG-ICE 2011, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Enschede, the Netherlands, July 6-8 2011 (USB)
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2010. Simulation as a tool to inform facilities management under climate change: a case study. In: Lemort, André and Bertagnolio,
eds. System Simulation in Buildings 2010, Eighth International Conference, Liège, Belgium, December 13-15 2010 (USB)
- de Wilde, P. and Y. Rafiq, 2010. Intelligent computing for the design of high performance buildings. In: Tizani, ed. International Conference in Computing
in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, UK, June 30 – July 2, 2010, 363-368
- Tian, W., R. Beck, W. Pan and P. de Wilde, 2010. Climate change risks in decision-making in building design and facility management. In: Tizani, ed.
International Conference in Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, UK, June 30 – July 2, 2010, 369-374
- Tian, W., W. Pan and de P. de Wilde, 2010. Climate change risk assessment for buildings. In: Barrett, Amaratunga, Haigh, Keraminiyage and Pathirage, eds.
CIB World Congress, Salford, UK, May 10-13 2010
- Carfrae, J., Wilde, S. Goodhew, P. Walker and J. Littlewood, 2009. Detailing the effective use of rain-screens to protect walls made from straw bales in
combination with hygroscopic, breathable finishes. In: Emmitt and Littlewood, eds. Detail Design in Architecture 8, Cardiff, UK, September 4 2009, 99-108
- Carfrae, J., Wilde, J. Littlewood, S. Goodhew and P. Walker, 2009. Long term evaluation of the performance of a Straw-Bale House built in a temperate maritime
climate. In: Walker, Ghavami, Paine, Heath, Lawrence and Fodde, eds. Nocmat, 11th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies, Bath, UK, September 6-9
- Goodhew, J., S. Goodhew, T. Auburn, P. de Wilde and S. Pahl, 2009. A preliminary investigation of the potential for thermographic images to influence householders
understanding of home energy consumption. In: Dainty, ed. ARCOM Conference 2009, Nottingham, United Kingdom, September 7-9 2009, 971-979
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2009. Preliminary application of a methodology for risk assessment of thermal failures in buildings subject to climate change. In:
Strachan, Kelly and Kummert, eds. Building Simulation '09, 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 27-30 2009, 2077-2084
- de Wilde, P., R. Griffiths, S. Grove and S. Goodhew, 2009. Progress in simulation of a thermal probe: modelling the probe to sample conductance. In: Strachan,
Kelly and Kummert, eds. Building Simulation '09, 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 27-30 2009, 1714-1721
- de Wilde, P. and D. Prickett, 2009. Preconditions for the use of simulation in M&E engineering. In: Strachan, Kelly and Kummert, eds. Building
Simulation '09, 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 27-30 2009, 414-419
- Ulukavak Harputlugil, G., Wilde, J. Hensen and G. Çelebi, 2009. Development of a thermally robust school outline design for the different climate regions of
Turkiye. In: Strachan, Kelly and Kummert, eds. Building Simulation '09, 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 27-30 2009, 1292-1298
- Struck, C., P. de Wilde, J. Evers, J. Hensen and W. Plokker, 2009. On selecting weather data sets to estimate a building design’s robustness to climate variations.
In: Strachan, Kelly and Kummert, eds. Building Simulation '09, 11th International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 27-30 2009, 513-520
- de Wilde, P., Y. Rafiq and I. Packham, 2009. A study of thermal storage in buildings using interactive visualisation. In: Huhnt, ed. EG-ICE 2009,
Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Berlin, Germany, July 15-17 2009, 67-74
- de Wilde, P. and W. Tian, 2009. A framework for computing the risks of thermal failures in buildings subject to climate change. In: Huhnt, ed. EG-ICE
2009, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Berlin, Germany, July 15-17 2009, 75-82
- Halewood, J., Wilde, 2008. Simulation-based assessment of the prospects of Cool Paints in the built environment in the UK. In: Kenny, Lewis and Brophy,
eds. PLEA'08, 25th International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 22-24 2008 (CD-ROM)
- Roe, H., G. Zhang, Wilde, 2008. The impact of carbon modelling on domestic building design. In: Kenny, Lewis and Brophy, eds. PLEA'08, 25th
International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 22-24 2008 (CD-ROM)
- Carfrae, J., Wilde, S. Goodhew, P. Walker and J. Littlewood, 2008. The Totnes Eco House: interaction between design and in-situ monitoring. In: Kenny,
Lewis and Brophy, eds. PLEA'08, 25th International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 22-24 2008 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., M. Beck and Y. Rafiq, 2008. Visualisation of the impact of climate change on the cooling requirements of domestic buildings in the United Kingdom.
In: Yaqub, de Wilde and Borthwick, eds. EG-ICE 2008, Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Plymouth, UK, July 2-4 2008, 410-422
- Struck, C., P. de Wilde, C. Hopfe, J. Hensen, 2008. An exploration of the option space in building design for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis with performance
simulation. In: Yaqub, de Wilde and Borthwick, eds. EG-ICE 2008, Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Plymouth, UK, July 2-4 2008, 423-432
- Ulukavak Harputlugil, G., T. Harputlugil, and P. de Wilde, 2008. Novel concepts for the design of high-performance schools. In: Nielsen, ed. AEC2008, the
5th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Antalya, Turkey, June 23-25 2008 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P. and P. Murray, 2008. The use of an e-Support System to enhance student guidance in an Eco-House design project. In: Haigh and Amaratunga, eds.
BEAR2008, International Conference on Building Education and Research, Kandalama, Sri Lanka, February 10-15 2008, 1709-1721
- Murray, P., P. de Wilde, S. Goodhew, S. Turpin-Brooks, P. Holgate, S. Donohoe and M. Riley, 2008. Developments in the Curriculum of Environmental Building at the
University of Plymouth. In: Haigh and Amaratunga, eds. BEAR2008, International Conference on Building Education and Research, Kandalama, Sri Lanka, February 10-15 2008,
- de Wilde, P., M. Beck, Y. Rafiq, 2007. Development of a framework for the assessment of the impact of climate change on thermal performance of buildings. In:
de Wilde, ed. Building Simulation in the SouthWest, IBPSA England Symposium, Plymouth, United Kingdom, November 16 2007 (CD-ROM)
- McGilligan, C., S. Goodhew and P. de Wilde, P., 2007. An assessment of potential impact of article 7 of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive on the
UK household sector. In: de Wilde, ed. Building Simulation in the SouthWest, IBPSA England Symposium, Plymouth, United Kingdom, November 16 2007 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., R. Griffiths, B. Pilkington, and S. Goodhew, 2007. Simulation of heat flow from a line source in support of development of a thermal probe. In:
Jiang, Zhu, Yang and Li, eds. Building Simulation '07, 10th International IBPSA Conference, Beijing, China, September 3-6 2007, 1858-1865
- G. Ulukavak Harputlugil, J. Hensen and Wilde, 2007. Simulation as a tool to develop guidelines for the design of school schemes for four climatic regions of
Turkiye. In: Jiang, Zhu, Yang and Li, eds. Building Simulation '07, 10th International IBPSA Conference, Beijing, China, September 3-6 2007, 1805-1812
- Rafiq, Y., M. Beck and Wilde, 2007. Interactive visualisation as a tool for interpreting building thermal simulation results. CIB W78 Conference Bringing ICT
Knowledge to Work (jointly organised with the 14th Int. EG-ICE Workshop and the 5th ITC@EDU Workshop), Maribor, Slovenia, June 26-29 2006,
- Goodhew, S., R. Griffiths, P. de Wilde and T. Simmonds, 2007. Monitoring of strawbale and non-food-crop based walling systems. In: Chun, Claisse, Naik and
Ganjian, eds. Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies Conference, Coventry, June 11-13 2007, 697-703
- de Wilde, P., Y. Rafiq, M. Beck, 2006. Uncertainties in Predicting the Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Performance of Domestic Buildings in the UK. In:
Lebrun, ed. System Simulation in Buildings 2006, Seventh International Conference, Liège, Belgium, December 11-13 2006 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P. and B. Pilkington, 2006. Education in Environmental Construction at the University of Plymouth: the Eco-House Project. In: Compagnon, Haefeli and
Weber, ed. PLEA'06, 23rd International Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-8 2006, 773-778
- de Wilde, P. and S. Goodhew, 2006. Towards Key Performance Indicators for ‘Environmental Building’. In: Compagnon, Haefeli and Weber, ed. PLEA'06, 23rd International
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-8 2006, 809-814
- Pilkington, B., P. de Wilde, S. Goodhew and R. Griffiths, 2006. Development of a Probe for Measuring In-situ the Thermal Properties of Building Materials. In: Compagnon,
Haefeli and Weber, ed. PLEA'06, 23rd International Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-8 2006, 665-670
- Hopfe, C., C. Strück, J. Hensen and P. de Wilde, 2006. Considerations regarding decision support tools for conceptual building design. ICCCBE XI, Joint International
Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June 14-16 2006 (CD-ROM).
- de Wilde, P., P. Bonsma and W. Plokker, 2005. Towards holistic building performance engineering. In: van der Voorden, Itard and de Wilde, ed. IBPSA-NVL
Conferentie, Delft, the Netherlands, October 20 2005, P-15 (CD-ROM)
- Hopfe, C., C. Struck, G. Ulukavak Harputlugil, J. Hensen and P. de Wilde, 2005. Exploration of the use of building performance simulation for conceptual design.
In: van der Voorden, Itard and de Wilde, ed. IBPSA-NVL Conferentie, Delft, the Netherlands, October 20 2005, P-16 (CD-ROM)
- van Dijk, H., M. Spiekman and P. de Wilde, 2005. A Monthly Method for Calculating Energy Performance in the Context of European Building Regulations. In: van
der Voorden, Itard and de Wilde, ed. IBPSA-NVL Conferentie, Delft, the Netherlands, October 20 2005, P-22 (CD-ROM)
- de Boer, B., H. de Moor, P. de Wilde and J. Heijnis, 2005. Zon-WEL Dynamic Solar Facade. In: CISBAT International Conference on Renewables in a Changing
Climate. Lausanne, Switserland, September 28 2005, 101-106
- de Wilde, P., H. van Wolferen and M. Loomans, 2005. Computational Assessment of Cooling with Low-temperature Heating Systems. In: Beausoleil-Morisson, ed.
Building Simulation '05, 9th International IBPSA Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 15-18 2005, 1339-1346
- van Dijk, H., M. Spiekman and P. de Wilde, 2005. A Monthly Method for Calculating Energy Performance in the Context of European Building Regulations. In:
Beausoleil-Morisson, ed. Building Simulation '05, 9th International IBPSA Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 15-18 2005, 255-262
- de Wilde, P. and J. van Wolferen, 2004. Passive Cooling with Low-temperature Heating Systems. In: de Wit. ed. PLEA'04, 21th International
Conference, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, september 19-22 2004, 621-626
- Augenbroe, G., P. de Wilde and A. Malkawi, 2004. A workbench for structured design analysis dialogues in building engineering. In: Tsahalis, ed.
1st International Conference 'From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering', Athens, Greece, September 8-10 2004, paper 073 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P. and M. van der Voorden, 2003. Rethinking the Tools to Support Design of Passive and Low Energy Buildings. In: Bustamante and Collados, ed.
PLEA'03, 20th International Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile, november 9-12 2003, paper F24 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., B. de Boer and J. Heijnis, 2003. ZonWEL - a Dynamic Solar Façade. In: Bustamante and Collados, ed. PLEA'03, 20th International
Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile, november 9-12 2003, paper G19 (CD-ROM)
- Augenbroe, G., P. de Wilde, H.J. Moon, A. Malkawi, R. Brahme and R. Choudhary, 2003. The Design Analysis Integration (DAI) Initiative. In: Augenbroe and
Hensen, ed. Building Simulation '03, 8th International IBPSA Conference, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, august 11-14 2003, 79-86
- de Wilde, P. and M. van der Voorden. Computational Support for the Selection of Energy Saving Building Components. In: Augenbroe and Hensen, ed. Building
Simulation ’03, 8th International IBPSA Conference, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, august 11-14 2003, 1409-1416
- de Wilde,P., G. Augenbroe and M. van der Voorden, 2002. Energy System Simulation in Performance-based Building Design. In: Lebrun, ed. System Simulation
in Buildings 2002, Sixth International Conference, Liège, Belgium, december 16-18 2002 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden and G. Augenbroe, 2001(b). A strategy to provide computational support for the selection of energy saving components. In:
Lamberts, Negrao and Hensen, ed. Building Simulation ’01, 7th International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, august 13-15 2001, 653-660
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden, J. Brouwer, G. Augenbroe and H. Kaan, 2001(a). Assessment of the need for computational support in energy-efficient design projects
in the Netherlands. In: Lamberts, Negrao and Hensen, ed. Building Simulation ’01, 7th International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, august 13-15 2001,
- van Bochoven, A., P. de Wilde and M. van der Voorden, 2001. The impact of daylighting systems on visual performance and visual comfort of
offices. In: The Architecture Annual 1999-2000, Bekkering et al., ed. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden and G. Augenbroe,
2000. Process management in energy conscious building design. In: Augenbroe and Prins, ed. CIB W96 Design Management in the Architectural and
Engineering Design Office, Atlanta, USA, May 19-20, 2000, 153-161
- de Wilde, P., G. Augenbroe and M. van der Voorden, 1999.
Invocation of building simulation tools in building design practice. In: Nakahara, Yoshida, Udagawa and Hensen, ed. Building Simulation
’99, 6th International IBPSA Conference, Kyoto, Japan., September 13-15 1999, 1211-1218
- de Wilde, P., G. Augenbroe and M. van der Voorden,
1999. Effective use of building simulation tools as support instrument in building design. In: Hollands and Wright, ed. North Sun 1999, 8th International Conference on Solar
Energy in High Latitudes, Edmonton, Canada, August 12-14 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden and G. Augenbroe, 1998. Towards a strategy for the use of simulation
tools as support instrument in building design. In: Lebrun, ed. System Simulation in Buildings 1998, Fifth International Conference, Liège, Belgium, December 14-16 1998,
paper 28 (CD-ROM)
- de Wilde, P., M. van der Voorden and G. Augenbroe, 1999. A strategy for the use of simulation tools in building design. In: The
Architecture Annual 1997-1998, Bekkering et al., ed. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 185-189
- van Bochoven, F., P. de Wilde and M. van der Voorden, 1999. The impact of daylighting systems on visual performance and visual comfort in
office rooms’. In: Hollands and Wright, ed. North Sun 1999, 8th International Conference on Solar Energy in High Latitudes, Edmonton, Canada, August 12-14 (CD-ROM)
- van der Voorden, M., M. Pel-Hoogendoorn and P. de Wilde, 1997. Final evaluation of the ‘Solar Garden House’, a new concept for energy conscious design. In:
Konttinen and Lund, ed. North Sun 1997, 7th Conference on Solar Energy at High Latitudes, Espoo-Otaniemi, Finland, June 9-11, 1997, 372-379
- van der Voorden, M., E. Tumbuan and P. de Wilde, 1997. Computational study on energy saving strategies for the Solar Garden House. In: Proceedings of the
14th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Kushiro, Japan, Jan. 8-10, 1997, .2-003 - 2.008
- van der Voorden, M., E. Tumbuan and P. de Wilde, 1995. Computational study on a new concept for low-energy design: the Solar Garden House. In: Zöld, ed.
Building Physics Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 4-6. 10. 1995, 179-183